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pH Delight

pH Delight, formally known as “Onyx Delight”, is a flavor experience. Rich vanilla, spicy cinnamon, and earthy honey make this syrup a class of its own. This trifecta flavored syrup has been gracing the coffee mug since the early '90s. This syrup creates one of the most widely requested drinks and is without a doubt a classic.

Ingredients: organic cane sugar, water, honey, cassia chips, vanilla bean, vanilla extract, kosher salt, lactic acid

pH Delight Roasted Nuts 

Makes 12 -  ¼ cup servings

  • 1/2 stick of butter 

  • 1/2 cup pH Delight syrup 

  • Maldon flake salt

  • ¼ tsp Cinnamon and grated nutmeg or pinch of nutmeg

  • 1 cup walnuts

  • 1 cup almonds

  • 1 cup pepitas 

Melt the butter over medium heat. Add nuts and pH Delight syrup. Toast for ~5 minutes until the syrup has a sticky consistency on the nuts. Line a baking sheet with parchment paper and spread the nut mixture on the baking sheet. Bake at 400 F for 10 mins. Sprinkle with Maldon Flake Salt, cinnamon, and nutmeg.